Sunday, February 25, 2018

How we respond is a CHOICE....

     I almost called this post; "This too shall pass....second time". I realized I have already used this title. But, I feel like we are on a merry go round. Been there, done that. Here we go again.
     Last Thursday, we went in for early morning clinic. I was SO ready to be going home on Saturday. I had even posted it on Facebook (you know, it's offical there), only to be disappointed when instead of being released, Gus was RE-ADMITTED to the hospital. He was having lower GI challenges and all the week since being released the first time, he was going into outpatient clinic getting fluids pumped into him. In so doing, it threw off his sodium, potassium and other electolytes. So they admitted him to balance everything out again. I had to leave the hospital, go back to Hope Lodge, pack a bag of clothes for us and return to the hospital. The rules at Hope Lodge is that the caregiver can not stay there unless the patient is with them. So, back to the hospital I went to sleep on the couch in his room. However, I do have to admit, that it is actually pretty comfortable for being a couch.
     We stayed three nights, Thursday night to Sunday morning and they are ready to release him. They said there was 'no medical reason to keep him'.  I wanted to stay one more night because he has a 7 am. clinic appointment on Monday morning and then a possible Radiology appointment to pull his chest port out. I was a little frustrated.His lower GI problem has not been resolved but I guess that didn't matter to the rounding physician.  We made it back to the Lodge and within 40 minutes, he was throwing up again. He has just rested the rest of this afternoon and hopefully, by clinic time in the morning, he wont be dehydrated again.
     I know there is a lesson for me to learn in all of this someplace.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks has taught: "Healing blessings come in many ways, each suited to our individual needs, as known to Him who loves us best. Sometimes a 'healing' cures our illness or lifts our burden. But sometimes we are 'healed' by given strength to bear the burdens placed upon us.  In Alma, they 'did pour out their hearts to Him in regards to their challenges. In response to their faith and silent prayers, the Lord responded: "Be of good comfort....I will....ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs."  Whatever change in life's circumstance may come our way, and whatever unexpected path we may have to travel, how we respond is a choice. Turning to the Savior and grasping His outstretched are is ALWAYS our best option.
     Elder Richard G. SCott taught this eternal truth: "True enduring happiness with the accompanying strength, courage, and capacity to overcome the most challenging difficulties comes from a life centered in Jesus Christ....There is no guarantee of overnight results, but there is absolute assurance that , in the Lord's time, solutions will come, peace will prevail and emptiness will be filled."
     This is the lesson to myself. Even though I missed the visit from my mom from Fla. and I missed my son, Adam's, 18th Birthday, I will at one point get to make that time up again. I was needed to be with Gus at Huntsman. Even though, the journey has been long and I am soooooo tired, I need to strengthen my faith and leave my burdens at the feet of Christ. I know that He will strenghten me.
     Even though at moments, I have been a bit grouchy, this too shall pass.....a second time. And how I respond is a choice....MY choice.....
     Thanks for traveling this journey with me.

30 days since stem cell transplant.............This is suppose to be the 'magical' number. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update. Tell Gus hello and best wishes from team Indy!
