Saturday, February 17, 2018

Why, Noah brought it with him on the Ark!

Sat. Feb. 17, 2018
      Have you ever been sitting in church and you get the giggles and you can't stop laughing NO matter how hard you try. Well that happened to me yesterday in clinic. Our nurse, Natalie, was getting ready to draw Gus' labs (blood) and his cell phone started ringing. He said that he better get that. So, I was sitting there looking at something on my phone while he struggled to dig his phone out of his vest jacket. All of a sudden, I heard Natalie express so sincerely " Where in the World did you get THAT?" The tone of her voice was almost one of amazement. I looked up to see what was SO astonishing to her. I looked at what she was looking at and then we both burst into laughter. She was  referring to Gus' dinosaur-type flip phone. Between bouts of laughter, I said." Noah brought it with him on the Ark." Well, we couldn't stop laughing. All the while, Gus didn't crack a bit. Then more stoic he was, the more we laughed. We couldn't stop. I told her that we often referred to his phone as the 'paper weight' because he so seldom uses it. I know it was one of those situations where 'you had to be there' but we giggled like school girls. I guess we both needed that.

     The nurses, that we have been in contact with every step of this journey, have been absolutely amazing. Each one has a positive attitude and are extremely talented in their area of service.  Their personalities have been what we needed at that very moment.
     The day before, we had a nurse named Robin. She brought over the 'Parents" magazine and said 'would you like to see my granddaughter?". On the cover of the magazine, was her daughter in law and granddaughter. Her d.i.l is heading to the para-Olympics. She is a cancer survivor, but lost her leg in the process. This beautiful girl also posed for the Swimsuit Ed. of Sports Illustrated.  I won't post any of those photos, but I have to say she is beautiful. I am excited to watch for her in the para-Olympics. I will post her name by the photos. It is amazing that cancer CAN'T stop you if you want to keep going. What an inspiration story this gal has. Of course, Robin is a proud grandma and mother in law.
Watch for her to compete......

Today is Sat. Feb 17. ( entry from my Facebook page) It has been SO nice to have a day 'off' from clinic. I have been able to get the wash done and we have eaten two meals on time already today. It is nice to be able to get on the correct schedule with the medications and meals. We can hang out at the lodge and just catch up on those things that have fallen behind in. 6 pm and we are already exhausted. Day 2 being out of the hospital and Gus has had two days in the outpatient infusion clinic receiving more electrolytes. Yesterday he got one bag, today he got two. He has been dehyrated due to nausea challenges. He has lost 4 more pounds in two days. Hopefully, with the added anti-nausea meds and these IV's, he will be perking up soon. We go back tomorrow for another round. Hopefully,that will be enough to give us the weekend 'off'. I have a dual role. One minute I am the cheerleader and the next minute I am the dicator, telling him to eat or drink etc. Someone has to be the boss. LOL. On a positive note, my MOM has been able to fly in and be with Adam for a while. I am SO grateful for this. Adam has been a trooper but the stress is really getting to him. We had a phone conference with the school today and are making a few more changes in his class schedule. Hopefully, this will be the trick....more on line classes and less in school classes.
    Day Plus 21. ( Facebook entry) Labs are looking a bit better today. Gus only had to have one liter of fluids, he didn't loose any weight, first day in a looooong time that he hasn't. He is down a total of 32 pounds. And he was skinny to begin with. He was able to stop one more medicine today. The count is 12 down to 11 but one more pill gone helps. He has been able to hold down food and has eaten 1025 calories today. He got a pretty good nap in while he received his fluids. Hoorah!!!! He hasn't ran a fever, he is able to keep his bald head warm and he still has a great attitude. And the good news to us is, we don't have to go back to clinic until Sunday morning!!!! We have a day off tomorrow!!!!! Another hurrah!!!!! I can get our wash done. LOL
I tried out the Smith's "grocery store shop online and pick up" option. I have to say I was quite impressed. Since Gus can't be out in crowds yet and I don't like going alone with everything going on, this was a perfect solution. I ordered on line, chose a pick up time, received an email, and was there and back in 15 minutes. They bring everything out and load it into my car.
We continually feel the blessing from all the prayers being offered. I am SO grateful for faithful friends........

Feb. 15, day plus 20:
6 pm and we are already exhausted. Day 2 being out of the hospital and Gus has had two days in the outpatient infusion clinic receiving more electrolytes. Yesterday he got one bag, today he got two. He has been dehydrated due to nausea challenges. He has lost 4 more pounds in two days. Hopefully, with the added anti-nausea meds and these IV's, he will be perking up soon. We go back tomorrow for another round. Hopefully,that will be enough to give us the weekend 'off'. I have a dual role. One minute I am the cheerleader and the next minute I am the dictator, telling him to eat or drink etc. Someone has to be the boss. LOL. On a positive note, my MOM has been able to fly in and be with Adam for a while. I am SO grateful for this. Adam has been a trooper but the stress is really getting to him. We had a phone conference with the school today and are making a few more changes in his class schedule. Hopefully, this will be the trick....more on line classes and less in school classes.
Gus was so tired and weak, he had to lay down. We found out he was dehydrated and needed fluids. Two bags did the trick. 

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