Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Ranch dressing Made me Cry

     Today we are day plus 8 from transplant day. Gus has 'hit the bottom' with his White blood cells, which means two things :1: He is below exhausted....nothing to help him 'go' except pure will power and 2). it is ONLY uphill from here.
     We DO feel the blessings of the MANY prayers that are being offered. We have been blessed with the best nurses EVERY shift. It seems as if we get the ones that he just needs that day. He is still exhausted BUT he is being the ideal patient. Even in the depth of his exhaustion, he gets up every day and rides the bike that is in his room, and he will walk the halls 3-5 times a day, he is trying to drink the needed amount of water so he doesn't have to be given extra fluids in his I.V. and he is consuming enough calories thru milkshakes, Ensure and protein powders. He doesn't do too well with solids yet as vomiting seems to be a side effect of eating solids. Despite ALL this, the Doctor and the Nurses are always giving him TWO thumbs up for all his hard work and efforts.
    We pray continually. We feel that Angels are attending him as he walks the halls. We feel that they are holding him up because everyone else we see in the halls walking has to have someone  with them. When he is sick to his stomach, it seems as if the nurses know to come in just at 'that moment' and are able to give him the needed medication to stop the vomiting. He has lost 19 pounds but the last few days it has stayed the same. That is good news. The weight will come back after we get home.
    Some have asked how I am doing. It is hard to complain when I see what Gus is going through. I am grateful to be here. The couch that I sleep on is very comfortable. The nursing staff is good to me too, always bringing me ice water when they bring it to Gus. The other night, we were both struggling and we had called 'room service' late for our dinner. Because of Gus' extra senitivity to smells right now, I am careful not to eat anything in the room that puts off any type of smell, like fried foods, etc. The other night I had hurried and called in a chef salad with a roll and butter.  After I had called it in, I realized that I had forgotten to order the salad dressing. Everything is al la carte so you HAVE to order every little thing. I was mad at myself for forgetting the dressing. It had been a stressful night and I was trying to do a lot and the dressing just 'slipped my mind'. Well......when food services showed up and brought me my tray, they had place TWO RANCH dressings on there. They said to me; 'you always order the ranch with your salad and when you didn't, we just brought it anyway.".  Of course, my emotions have been all over the map and I burst into TEARS!!!! I thanked them SO MUCH for caring enough about ME and caring enough and knowing what I normally order that they completed it for me. I thanked them because they see me as a person, a care giver that is given out. Their small act of kindness was the BIGGEST act to me. We told them that their service was truly an act of chairty. Not just a job they have to get done........It was another tender mercy for us......
     Who knew ranch dressing could make me cry.......

 Visitor?? LOL

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